join YWiB in the community!

We've had some phenomenal volunteer and involvement opportunities sent our way from great orgnizations and individuals in the community. See below for a detailed list and please feel free to contact the listed individuals directly for more info or to sign up! The Association of Women in Finance and its annual PEAK Awards Gala on May 2nd 2011 is looking for volunteers!

This is a fabulous event bringing together over 400 of Vancouver's top finance professionals, from lawyers to accountants to banks to credit unions to industry. During the event 5 awards are presented to accomplished women in finance and funds are raised for the AWF's scholarship program. There will be two shifts - 8am to 3pm and 3pm to 10pm. Tasks will include event set up, guest greeting and registration, raffle ticket selling, silent auction support, etc. Please see the following link for more details on the event.

To get involved, please contact Stephanie Daniels.

The Forum for Women Entrepreneurs is looking for event volunteers for June 1st 2011!

FWE’s annual Roundtable event, Tough Love - Truths and Tribulations of Growing a Sustainable Business, is taking place from 4:30pm to 7:30pm at the offices of Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP. Learn from leading business representatives. Discuss the tough questions with entrepreneurs and business influencers in a small group environment. Connect and network at the reception featuring Quails' Gate wine and fantastic food.

FWE is looking for energetic, dedicated volunteers to help out at this event. Please contact Angel if you are interested in volunteering.

Big Sisters of the Lower Mainland are looking for Big Sister mentors and Study Buddy Tutors!

Girls need positive role models. You can help. Just as you rely on the women around you to help you become wildly successful in business, the Little Sisters involved with Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland rely on the support and friendship of their Big Sister mentors to help them become wildly successful in life.

There is currently an unprecedented 180 girls waiting to be matched with a Big Sister mentor or Study Buddy tutor. Volunteer for as little as one hour a week and help a young girl learn to believe in herself. Your belief in your Little Sister may be the pivotal change that she needs.

Find out more today by visiting their website, contacting them via email, checking out their Facebook page or phoning them at 604-873-4525 ext. 300.

featured upcoming community event

Vancouver for Acumen hosts DIGNITY Vancouver

On May 5th, Vancouver for Acumen presents DIGNITY Vancouver, a photo exhibition & auction benefiting Acumen Fund, a non-profit global venture fund that uses entrepreneurial approaches to alleviate global poverty. Curated by Nuru Project, a group using photography for social change, the event will feature prints for live and silent auction donated by renowned artists with the proceeds going directly to Acumen Fund.

In support of local social enterprise, Hope in Shadows, four prints from their annual photography contest for residents of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside will be auctioned with all proceeds donated to Hope in Shadows.

Representatives from Acumen Fund’s head office in New York will be attending the event and the evening will be an opportunity to learn more about social entrepreneurship and mingle with those interested in social innovation, art and international development.

Event Details May 5th, 7-10PM Chapel Arts, 304 Dunley Ave @ East Hastings St

Full preview of prints for auction: To purchase tickets*: *All tickets include one drink and the first 50 people to purchase tickets receive a copy of 'The Blue Sweater' ($18.99) by Jacqueline Novogratz, CEO of Acumen Fund.

happy birthday to I am 3!

Grab corkscrew. Open red wine. Pour. Raise glass. Begin toast… Wow. It’s been three years since YWiB was an idea being shared amongst girlfriends. It’s been three years since YWiB supporter Fiona Walsh told Paulina we were “f***ing crazy” for attempting to organize Beyond Pink 2008 in just three months (which we did). It’s been three years since we began our journey to support young women in Vancouver. And what an incredible three years it’s been.

As we prepare to celebrate YWiB’s third birthday party on May 4th (which coincidentally happens to be my 23rd birthday), I thought I’d take the time to highlight a few of our favourite moments, complete with photos. They are in no particular order, so ignore the numbers, they don't mean anything.

1. what I need help with?/what can I help you with boards from BP08

These boards made their first appearance at BP08 and have been a staple at every conference following.  We LOVE that they allow women from all backgrounds, ages, areas of interest, to connect with each other – after all, isn’t that what women do best? Connect and share and support each other.

2. la famiglia YWiB

The YWiB family. Enough said. This inspiring team of women re-grouped after Beyond Pink 2008 to define the network’s future and forge the way for more young women to get involved. Much love, long nights, and bottles of wine have been shared brainstorming ideas and planning the events and programs for the organization.

3. tough love and inspiring conversations


Exploring Purple, where pink meets blue. The rebuttal to the all-male panel session was by far a fan-favourite of all our events. We still find ourselves quoting Chris Flett, “if you’re going to cry, go to the women’s room – it’s what it’s for”. Or being inspired by Cybele Negris who said, “You may be passionate about tea, but that doesn’t mean that you have to run a tea store. Maybe you’re not passionate about serving tea. You have to be passionate about what you do everyday.” What are some of your favourite qotes? Send them in!

4. What we fondly refer to as the “YWiB Magic”

That little something that’s different that makes the event, evening or interaction special. No stuffy atmospheres or stiff formalities. With us, you’re family. My favourite? The live artists that served as “decorations” at the Connect! Women in Business Tradeshow at Beyond Pink 2008. They had so much fun painting in the large ballroom and we had fun watching them as we passed by on our way to network with the next entrepreneur. Just one of many magical moments.

5. our amazing supporters.

How could we have possibly done this without you? Whether it was a harsh kick in the a** to get us moving, or inspirational words to keep us moving, or a new idea we hadn’t thought of, our supporters have been our rock (or rocks?) that we have relied on for so much. We are so grateful and no corny hallmark card poem can ever express how indebted we feel to our biggest supporters. Much love to you all.

-       Judy Brooks

-       Heather White

-       Bob Elton

-       Maili Wong

-       Frieda Granot

-       Michelle Pokey

-       …and so many others who have given their time as speakers, advisors or sounding boards, thank you!

see you on may 4th!

xo marica

Vancouver Women Business Networks

As we sometimes find it quite confusing at times to know where as a young women, do I fit into the picture of women business networks, we thought we would compile a list and share it. We hope that it would be as valuable a resource to you as it is to us. Please note that the list below are women business networks and is still a work in progress. Please also feel free to share additional women business networks that we might have missed out! 1) Association of Women in Finance: dedicated to promoting women in finance‐related industries by encouraging their advancement, development and involvement in the business community.

2) Association of Women Business Owners: to support and encourage women in business through regular dinner meetings held at The Terminal City Club with topical presentations from leading speakers and business people that can offer practical and applicable business ideas to help your business grow and prosper.

3) Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100: these awards honour women who are proven achievers in the private, public and not‐for‐profit sectors.

4) The Connected Woman: a professional resource network for women executives and entrepreneurs who desire to participate in an organization that is all about the reciprocal process of exchanging knowledge, experience and expertise.

5) eWomen Network: the fastest growing international membership‐based professional women’s promotional and networking organization in North America. We offer women of all occupations and professions new opportunities to transact business with one another and to leverage collective purchasing power.

6) Forum for Women Entrepreneurs: to mentor and educate women entrepreneurs through leading‐edge professional programs and to facilitate connections within the business community.

7) Influential Women in Business Awards: B.C.'s outstanding business women in private or public sector companies based on the criteria of professional accomplishments, influence, and business community involvement

8 ) Ladies Who Launch: offers women a supportive environment in which to explore making their dreams – whether writing a book, launching a new business, switching careers, or starting a social cause – a reality.

9) Momcafe: to provide a forum to connect and inspire women. Through meetings, seminars and internet‐based communication tools, we bring positive and inspiring role models to speak to momcafé.

10) Professional Women's Network

11) The Minerva Foundation for BC Women: inspire and empower women and girls to reach their full potential by creating opportunities and offering programs through trusted partnerships in the areas of education, leadership development, economic security, and safety.

12) Valley Women’s Network: dedicated to bringing together women from all walks of life so that they may share and support each other’s goals and interests, exchange ideas, and encourage both learning from their peers and set a good example for others.

13) Westcoast Moms: two distinct online communities with a moms perspective on the world and celebrating motherhood with a West Coast flair.

14) Women of Whistler: to provide an opportunity for Whistler businesswomen to network, gain knowledge and share ideas in a friendly, relaxed environment.

15) Women’s Enterprise Centre: BC’s leading resource for women entrepreneurs, offering skills development, business loans, free business guidance, business resources, mentoring, networking and events!

16) Wired Women: to create an environment that encourages women to explore opportunities in technology, science and new media and to build successful careers that will allow them to become a driving force in these expanding sectors.

17) Women’s Executive Network: creates and delivers innovative networking, mentoring, professional and personal development to support and recognize executive‐minded women and their organizations in the pursuit of excellence.

18) Women’s Leadership Circle: designed to deliver programs, speakers, topics and other events that will enable The Board of Trade be more engaged with women in the community and to help women feel more engaged with The Board.

19) Women President’s Organization

20) Young Executives for Success: women make new and powerful connections with other women at our events and they also have a positive impact on the lives of disadvantaged women in our community through support of Dress for Success.

21) YWiB: to connect young women with the resources and support to achieve success on their own terms and to become engaged members in their communities.

What is your Place of Possibility (POP)?

I'm really excited to announce our March event in collaboration with another great organization, imagine1day. This event combines two beliefs that we hold dearly at YWiB: the ability to dream and to surround yourself with amazing people. So when the opportunity came around for us to have an event like this, it wasn't even a question of why we should have it, it was a question WHEN?!? ( yes, said outloud  in exclamation marks because POP is that awesome!)

POP (Place of Possibility) is a a series of events that has been happening since August 2010 that will empowered hundreds to people in Vancouver, Victoria and Whistler to create their ideal 10-year vision and design powerful support for that vision through solid long and short term goal setting. The sessions are run by Adam Millard, Director of Development at imagine1day and he is a true POPstar.

Pen it down in your calender. March 24th. 6pm-8pm. Get ready to dream big. Get ready to know other incredible young women in this city. Get ready to create your Place of Possibility.

What are you waiting for? Register here! 100% proceeds go to imagine1day for building education in Ethiopia.


Imagine a room with 60 ambitious, driven and smart young women in Vancouver creating their ideal 10 year vision and having the opportunity to network with each other in a casual social setting after. These young women will be given a Place of Possibility aka. POP to design powerful support for that vision though solid long and short term goal setting.

What to expect at POP:

1. You will dream big.

You will be drawn into possibility to create a vision of your life 10 years from now, free of constraint.

2. You will make your dream reality.

You will learn how to design the next ten years of your life to ensure that you manifest your vision on time or earlier. You will learn how to set powerful goals based on a destination.

3. You will have a TON of fun.

You will have new insights into your life that will give you goosebumps.

4. You will know a brand new network.
You will leave knowing 59 other amazing young women in the city who will help you achieve your vision.
Possible side effects:
* You make important choices with ease * You have fun with the bumps in the road * You love every minute of your rad life
* 100% of proceeds is donated to imagine1day. Empower yourself. Check. Know other awesome young women. check. Help build an education system in Ethiopia. Check!
After party? Of course! We'll be heading over to Rogue Wet Bar for some drinks, appies, and some good old fashioned gettin-to-know-each-other!

POP YWiB is hosted by Adam Millard.

Adam Millard is our POPstar, fun facilitator extraordinaire and possibility expert. He dreamt up POP one summer evening, inspired by his upcoming Imagine Ethiopia trip this September 2010 with 17 other imagine1day creatributors.

Over the past three years, Adam has journeyed from goal setting beginner, goal setting trainer through his work as a manager at lululemon athletica, to a leader of powerful and effective vision and goal setting sessions for individuals, businesses, organizations, and groups from around the world.

All new world for women in business - Pink Coloured Glasses

Taken from the Vancouver Observer. If you haven't already checked out this amazing article on the Vancouver Observer, please do! Steph and Katie are both bright, ambitious and true trail blazers. Steph is part of the YWiB team as our Chaper development officer and Katie is part of our SFU team. Take a read!


Stephanie: The business world is evolving. Ambitious young women are kick-starting their careers with an insatiable drive and hunger to reach the top, eager and ready to make their mark on the world. We are a part of the next generation of emerging leaders that, in a few years time, will take the reins in molding the world around us.

Yes, we want to be industry experts that are called upon for decisions of great magnitude. Yes, we worry about being able to balance our personal aspirations with our ambition to reach the top. Yes, we do care about whether we wear the black patent leather pumps or the red power heels to the next big meeting (hey, we love fashion too!).

Through our column, we hope that you will gain a genuine understanding of the things that are important to us as aspiring young professionals, while learning, growing and exploring alongside us. We promise to be authentic, raw and open hearted. Join us – see the world as we see it, Through Pink Coloured Glasses.

Katie: We would like to begin by sharing some inspirational thoughts that we have come across recently, which have particularly resonated with us. The following is a compilation of quotes and videos that have fueled conversations and helped shape our individual outlooks on career goals, personal aspirations, and individual growth. We hope that these ideas can be equally as thought-provoking and inspiring for all of you, and that they will help introduce you to our opinions and perspectives.

Video #1 – Aimee Mullins and her 12 pairs of legs

S: Aimee Mullins is the epitome of the perfect woman – stunningly beautiful, articulate, athletic, intelligent, charismatic, and to top it all off, she boasts a dynamic personality and a great sense of humour. There is, however, one thing I forgot to mention: Aimee Mullins has no legs. In a compelling seminar for the TED2009 conference, Aimee explores the concept of beauty and ability, and redefines how society should identify those with physical barriers and challenges. Most importantly, Aimee reminds us that our perception of our own strength and ability is rooted from within.

To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself.”

– S. Kierkegaard

K: I stumbled upon this quote the other day, and it really left its mark on me. As an undergrad student, especially in a field like business where career options are as numerous as they are daunting, I feel that this message is an important one. To me, it’s about staying true to yourself, being confident in your abilities, and making a commitment to discovering and pursuing your true aspirations – regardless of how wildly impossible they may seem.

We are fortunate enough to be entering the workforce at a time when the word impossible seems to be heading towards extinction.

We have paper thin, powerful, handheld personal computers that serve as everything from a television, to a game console, to a personal office; women are making their way into the ‘C-suite’ (though this is certainly still a topic deserving of attention); and one of the most celebrated and controversial entrepreneurs of our generation created his fortune by connecting the world through a website.

The world is what we make of it – there are so many opportunities to do something great. However, we often get so caught up in the idea of “risk” that it paralyzes us from pursuing our passions. I recently attended a conference for the Young Women in Business (YWiB) network, and attended a workshop delivered by Ken Sim, co-founder of Nurse Next Door. He said something during his workshop that really stuck with me, which was that “there really is no risk in anything - worst case scenario, you can live in your parents’ basement”. Certainly everyone’s circumstances are different, and it’s important to plan, prepare, and assess ideas, but I think Mr. Sim has it right. We shouldn’t let the fear of failure hold us back from pursuing an opportunity – career or otherwise – that could be seriously satisfying. Consider it a dare.

Video #2 – Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders

S: Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, pitches three ways she believes women can get to the top: sit at the table, make your partner a real partner, and don’t leave before you leave. My favourite message delivered through this talk is crystal clear: keep your foot on the gas pedal.

K: We hope that this compilation has served as an introduction to the two of us, as well as our attitudes and opinions. Before we sign off, we wanted to leave you with one more thought that really hit home with us, which is this:

To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work”.

- Sister Mary Lauretta

Like many other young women, we’re still searching for this type of true love relationship. We hope that you’ll join us for some insightful conversation, advice, and ideas as we set out on a journey to find it.

Katie & Steph

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011!

2010 has been an incredible year for YWiB and we would like to take this holiday season and the New Year to thank each and every one of you who has supported us. We couldn't have accomplished anything without your support. Looking back at 2010, here's a highlight reel of a couple things that we have trailblazed (click through on the links to check out the events): - Awesome events including our Aritzia speaker session and Exploring Purple panel with phenomenal speakers

- SFU's second & even more successful SOUL mentorship program =)

- UBC's internship program, placing all interns!

- YWiB's very first GhostCEO with TWO winners [when there was only supposed to be one]

- The launch of SFU's GIVE program - with some fantastic partners

- UBC's first ever Downtown Career Tours

- Ladies in Pink storming events in Vancouver to volunteer!

- A brand spanking new website!

- Our THIRD Beyond Pink with inspirational keynotes and power couple panel

- SFU's super-power advisory board

- UBC's incredible cross-faculty relations

What a list indeed! Busy times indeed. We're ready for 2011 and looking forward to seeing all you young women at our events. As a teaser for what we have in store for's a clue: have you heard about what's happening with YWiB at UVic yet? Keep your eyes and ears peeled!

Hello 2011 and cheers to 2010! It's been a great year indeed!

Beyond Pink: Memories, lessons and development

Phew. 150 delegates, 8 workshops, 2 days, 1 power couple session & an abundance of inspirational knowledge later... Beyond Pink 2010 is done. The weekend has been a huge whirlwind and I think most of the team is still trying to catch their breath from it all!

If you didn't get a chance to attend Beyond Pink, here's some goodies from us to you. With love.

Video By Rick Chung:

We also have pictures from our amazing photographer, Jeremy Lim Check out his photo sets on Flickr to see if you can spot yourself!

In addition, here's a peek into one of the workshop speakers/YWiB Board member, Heather White.

Most of all, thank YOU so much: delegates, speakers, mentors, sponsors, exhibitors, advisors that made Beyond Pink a reality and such a memorable experience. The energy, the buzz and connections that were made from the weekend are invaluable and we're so so grateful to everyone that gave their time/effort/money to make it happen!