The Young Social Innovators Event Series

YWiB is a presenting supporter of The Young Social Innovators Event Series: A Lightning Pitch Event on March 6th will feature 90 second presentations from some of the most exciting initiatives from under 30's in BC (and cash prizes!), and a relaxed environment to network with emerging and established social change leaders, including members of the Council.

On March 10th we're hosting a follow-up Speak Up! mini-conference for youth and youth serving organizations to generate more specific recommendations and feedback based on the Advisory Councils draft report (see below).

Information and registration links here:

Lightening Pitch Event on March 6th, $10 tickets (drink included!)

Speak Up! mini conference on March 10th, free!

Your Feedback is Needed - The BC Advisory Council on Social Entrepreneurship is about to present recommendations to the BC government on advancing social innovation in the province, and wants to hear from young social innovators before they finalize their report. Their draft report can be found here.

Please share your thoughts at the following link:

upcoming event: Carving Your Path on March 19th!

Carving Your Path: finding or creating a workplace based on your values and passions, and creating goals to achieve personal and professional success- an evening with Andrea Scott, co-owner of skoah, and Deanne Schweitzer, V.P. of Global Brand at lululemon. YWiB invites you to join skoah co-founder Andrea Scott and Deanne Schweitzer for an evening conversation around creating and pursuing a career that brings together your values and passions. Andrea and Deanne will share their stories of the lessons they have learned from their businesses and share advice they wish they had known when they were a 20-something year old. 

for details, bios & tickets, visit the eventbrite link here.

hope we see you there!


Leadership Lessons Transcend the Workplace

Submitted by Christina Low, YWiB Marketing Team - photo c/o In November 2011, 12 lucky girls had the opportunity to attend the 3rd annual Leadership Lessons from Influential Women in Business, presented by Business in Vancouver and the Professional Women’s Network with support from YWiB.  Sponsored by Fasken Martineau and  Vancity, and taking place at the Marriott Pinnacle in downtown Vancouver, this half day forum consisted of interactive panel discussions with some of BC's most influential business women; networking time and lunch.  This year’s overarching theme was Leadership - understanding the opportunity and the challenge, with discussions digging deeper into topics such as how to develop your personal leadership strategy, how gender affects business relationships and developing your leadership plan to strategically achieve your leadership goals.

YWiB was well-represented and of course, took away some great learnings from the afternoon.  Myriam Choma of UBC was grateful for the chance to attend and glean some inside info on the workings of the male/female work dynamic and how to succeed in both the workplace and life.  There were some surprises, too - “As a student who has not yet had to break out into the "big bad" working world, I was both shocked and outraged to hear of the harassment some of the delegates had experienced from male coworkers or superiors,” she reflected post-event.  “However, I was extremely grateful that they could use these experiences to produce thought-provoking discussions that had both the panel and delegates bringing some important lessons to light. From these discussions, I realized just how important it is to be passionate about your work, and that it is this passion which will provide you with both the will and motivation to overcome difficult situations like these. The wonderful panel also helped us understand that leadership is not always about being the first person out, making the decision. Stepping back, listening to others and contemplating decisions from the outside can be just as effective a method. These are lessons which I know will serve to be useful not just in my future workplace, but also in life in general.”

YWiB member Kiran Nagra agreed.  "I am so glad that YWiB provided me with the opportunity to attend BiV’s Leadership Lessons!” she said.  “Getting the chance to connect with successful professional women from all backgrounds and participating in the panel discussions left me feeling inspired, equipped with invaluable advice and information, and ready to take on the world!"

YWiB is proud to work in partnership with other womens' business groups such as Business in Vancouver and the Professional Women’s Network to offer opportunities like Leadership Lessons to our members and other young women in the community.  We are excited to do so again in the near future, so keep watching this space for more upcoming events!

The Keys to Unlocking Your Full Potential

Today's blog post comes from a YWiB fav, Amber Rae@heyamberrae.  Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan, Priorities and Plans: the keys to unlocking your full potential. Check out the full post below!! --

I used to hate planning. It felt unnatural and forced. Life felt like less of a grand adventure. I enjoyed the thrill of spontaneity, improvisation, and watching things naturally fall into place.

For a while, this approach worked. I did things that interested me and opportunities fell into my lap. I felt in touch with the flow of life.

But then a point came when life stopped moving as smoothly. I found myself spread too thin, spending my time and energy on things that didn’t matter. I knew the work and purpose I was meant to birth into this world. But I wasn’t focusing on it. This felt devastating.

Going with the flow had led me to say “yes” to everything except my own interests and needs. A few months ago, I decided to focus all of my energy on changing this. I began refining the foundation of who I am and what I bring into the world.

If you’re in a transition, ready for change, or just want to tap into your highest creative potential, here’s the process that brought me to feeling like the very best version of myself:

1. Evaluate priorities.

One evening, I made myself a cup of herbal tea, put away my computer, and pulled out my moleskine. I asked myself three very important questions:

1) What is most important to you?

2) What makes you happy?

3) What would you do for free?

My immediate visceral responses were writing, helping others make positive personal changes, and inspiring people to do the things that inspire them. Aha! This is what I was meant to be working on.

What’s most important to you? What makes you happy? What would you do for free?

2. Let go of the things that don’t serve you.

Our best self feels energized, alive, and like contribution and progress are being made. With this in mind, I took a close look at my life and all of the things that I was doing. For each activity, I asked myself, does X… energize me? Help me move my priorities forward? Provide opportunities for learning and growth? Play a positive role in my life?

These questions shed light on what I needed to change. I ended side projects that weren’t aligned with my purpose, left New York, cut out alcohol, and let go of acquaintances who sucked my energy.

I moved to Boulder, drank more water and herbal tea, started working with a personal trainer, and surrounded myself with a tight-knit group of people who challenge me, share values, and make me feel like the best me.

What (or who) is no longer serving you? How can you let go?

3. Commit to three priorities.

Jim Colins says that if you have more than three priorities than you don’t have any at all. Taking his advice, I picked three areas of focus: 1) Hey Amber Rae (writing), 2) Passion Experiment (helping people make positive personal changes), 3) (stories that inspire meaningful action).

The thought of working on only these things deeply excited me. That’s when I knew I was on the right path.

What are your three priorities?

4. Create a schedule structure that works best for you.

Inspired by Paul Graham’s “Makers schedule,” I structured my life so that I could be as creative and productive as possible. Being creative is about giving my brain the space to make more connections. When I have appointments all day, I lose that space.

I use Tuesday and Thursday for clients and appointments. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are “Amber Days.” This means zero appointments and my entire day is open for what I want to work on and do.

How can you restucture your schedule to give you space for creation? What isn’t working about your current schedule? How can you create blocks of time to make it work for you?

5. Plan for inspiration.

Based on my priorities and promises, every Sunday, I map out a week that gets me excited. I feel the most inspired when I do good work, am active, and include play. That’s why I created a work / fit / play framework.

Here’s how it works:

> Work. I have no more than 3 priorities each day. I map the priorities based on T/Th for clients and M/W/F for Amber.

> Fit. I make sure to do some form of exercise every day (and working with a trainer has totally changed my life). This gives me a surge of energy each day and helps my brain make creative connections.

> Play. Every day, I make time for play. (The play calendar wasn’t complete when I took this picture.) Play typically involves spending time with someone I care about and doing something creative or new. (For example, on Monday, I painted and cooked with a friend.) I also work in weekly “heartstorming” play dates with friends who make my heart and brain feel on fire.

> Schedule spontaneity. I love adventure, randomness, and the unknown. That’s why I leave Saturday open to whatever comes my way. It definitely keeps things interesting.

All in all, if you want to do work that matters, if you want to prioritize your purpose and continually build momentum toward it, you’ll need to plan your life accordingly. Life doesn’t happen to us. Life works with us when we learn how to work it.

xoxo Amber Rae

p.s. - Heart this post? Tweet it!

p.p.s - if you implement any of the above and it works for you, please tell me your story! I’d love to hear about your positive changes. They’ll make my day.

-- Thanks to James and Michael for inspiring this post and Nathaniel and Antonio for reading the draft.


my {YWiB} story – member highlight: Carolina Horna

name| Carolina Hornasocial| twitter: @CarolinaHorna email|

Introducing a new bio-blog series called “my {YWiB} story: member highlights”. YWiB has expanded and we want you to get to know our newest executive members - Meet a member from our Marketing Team!

why YWiB |I became a part of YWIB’s marketing team back in December 2011. I first encountered YWIB at  UBC’s club week during my undergrad. I signed up for their newsletter but never for membership. While finishing my degree in Psychology, it was easy to find excuses not to attend any events or programs due to papers or exams. However, I regretted not getting more involved. After graduation, I worked with a girl who had joined YWIB while at UBC. She had such great things to say about the organization that when YWIB volunteer positions became available, I didn’t hesitate to apply. Despite taking Psychology in school, my dream has been to pursue a career in a creative field such as marketing. I believe the YWIB marketing team is the perfect opportunity to gain experience, expand my network and to work towards a worthy cause. I also wanted to serve as an example that “it’s never too late to get involved and take charge of your personal/professional life.”


childhood ambition| Singer or Doctor

my home| Surrey, BC (Born in Peru but I’ve lived here all my life, this is home)

wildest dream| To dance contemporary on “So You Think You Can Dance”

proudest moment|  Walking across the stage as I accepted my degree!

biggest challenge| To not over analyze, “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”

favorite quote| “Keep Calm and Carry On” ~ British Poster 1939

inspiration| My mom - She moved to Canada with my dad and started her life from scratch; all while raising a new family and starting her career. She is my image of success :)

Introducing: my {YWiB} idea

my idea | we know you have them, great ones… what | if you have an idea for an event or a program, YWiB wants to help you put them into action

how | YWiB wants to collaborate with you – combine our experiences and resources with your vision. for information on how to apply to turn your idea into an event visit

why | outside of feeling confident & empowered after creating your own event and becoming the leader you’ve always dreamed about being, you get to:

·   work with the incredible team behind YWiB

·   work with some of Vancouver’s best and find your own mentor

·   feature your event in one of our snazzy partner locations

·   cross off “indulge in 15 minutes of fame” off your to-do list

·   dream up and create the next YWiB acclaimed event

when | apply online before February 29, 2012

so… do you have one?

my {YWiB} story - mentor highlight: Judy Brooks

YWiB would not exist if it wasn't for some amazing mentors we've had guide us along the way. We wanted to take some time to share some of their stories with you so that their experiences could help you as they've helped us. Introducing a new bio-blog series called “my {YWiB} story - mentor highlight”.  Enjoy!!

name| judy brooks social| twitter: @judybrooks

name three people you'd like to have a dinner party with

Why stop at 3?  The more the merrier!  Those who know me best will tell you that my greatest pleasure is a evening with lots of friends, cooking dinner for them, a drink or 2, lots of conversation and laughs (and maybe a game of scrabble).

But 3 people?   Dinner with my daughter Devon, my husband Denis and Val (one of the Co-Founders in Blo and a YWiB supporter) is a evening to feed my heart and soul.

you co-founded Blo Blow Dry Bar – tell us what is the one thing you need to have a great hair day every day?

I know nothing  about hair (but something about creating and growing a business).  When we visioned Blo - we knew the end goal was confidence, women feeling great about themselves.  So we were selling confidence.

Having said that, the trick for great hair everyday is a getting someone else to do it!  Get your hair blo-ed!

a lot of people fear taking the chance to start a small business. Did you experience that in the midst of the plans for Blo?  How did you overcome that fear/apprehension?

Blo was my 3rd business,  so I have had more than a bit of experience in the feelings that come with founding a business -the good and the overwhelming!  In starting a business there are always those moments when you think " What am I doing here?  Is this going to work?  Can I make payroll?".  You have to have the stomach for it.  And just like everything that takes commitment, tenacity is key.  Lots of people would say choose something your passionate about - Blo Co-Founders Val Litwin, Devon Brooks and I would say figure out your core values, and make sure they align with what you are doing.  Then when the going gets tough, and it will, you will know why you are doing what your are doing and you can bring the energy it takes to achieve success.  Check our our Passion Conspiracy Blog for more on that!

what is your favourite part of your new role as chief of staff at nurse next door?

Always, always my favourite thing about a business (whether it is mine or not!) is the people - seeing the team learn, grow and execute.  It is the most awesome of experiences.  At Nurse Next Door I have had the opportunity to watch this gem of a company and these incredible people take off; from Co-Founders, to VP Team to Care Services Centre Specialists and Franchise Partners, everyone is focused on the same vision of care.  Being trusted to help the team to organized and ready for their next stage of growth is interesting, fun and a privilege.  Besides, who can resist a business whose purpose is Making Lives Better?

why do you think YWiB and the YWiB philosophy is important for females in Vancouver (and beyond)?

Any organization that supports personal growth, that allows you to gain confidence, helps you connect and build relationships and gives you access to mentors, serves a valuable purpose.  YWiB does that.  I have had the honour of being on the Board for YWiB, speaking at their events, moderating panels, and getting to know past and current YWiB'ers - I love the transition, as someone starts in the YWiB, to when they really start to understand the power and influence they have in a room when their voice  gets heard.  Magic.  When companies ask me if I have anyone to refer for positions in their organizations, YWiB is one of the first places I reach out to.

I wish I had the kind of connection, mentorship and access YWiB gives when I was starting out.