a night of fashion, inspiration and entrepreneurship

  a recap of 'join the {r}evolution!' event by Carolina Horna

“Everything is going to be okay, but it might not be today.” Wise words shared by {r}evolution apparel with a large group of young women at “join the {r}evolution” pop-up fashion show at Calabash Bistro. Words such as these, from Kristin & Shannon, provide a sense of comfort along the journey of self-discovery that many young women embark upon (one that I am in the process of traveling right now).

Whether you work in or study marketing, finance, fashion, or law - whatever your path - we can all connect on one level; the need to pursue our passions to find meaning and value in what we do. At first glance, fashion shows and YWiB may not go hand and hand but after the YWiB {r}evolution apparel event, this could not be further from the truth.

All those who came out on Wednesday, June 13, appeared to think so as well. The energy in the room was nothing less than captivated; all were eager to hear the stories behind the featured fashion entrepreneurs: Shannon, Kristin, and Malene Grotrian, a local Vancouver designer and self-discovered fashionista.

Becoming a female entrepreneur can be tough as it is, but to do so in the fashion industry imparts its own level of intensity and challenge. So, how did these ladies get started? What were their challenges? What do they look to achieve? And more importantly, where did they find the inner strength, support and courage to do so? Luckily we had the chance to hear their stories.

Shannon and Kristin are the co-creators and masterminds behind {r}evolution apparel’s Versalette; a single article of clothing that can be transformed into twenty different looks. The idea for this eco-fashion piece came to the two while traveling abroad. Recognizing the severe environmental waste the fashion industry plagues on the world, these girls truly value the notion that less can really be more. The idea to create the Versalette came when they met while traveling in Australia. Realizing how much easier backpacking would be if they had one article of clothing that could be worn in multiple ways, the Versalette was born.  However, this was no overnight success story.

Returning home to the US, Kristin & Shannon felt lost and had no idea where their (“should-be”) professional lives were headed. Arriving on the idea of the Versalette took over a year of Skype-dates and a trip to Central America in search of ideas, fabrics, and manufacturing partners.

Their trip to Central America left them empty handed and feeling defeated. Fortunately, however, a group in North Carolina (who had followed the girl’s blog documenting their eco-fashion trails) reached out to offer an environmental solution for producing the Versalette using recycled materials and sourcing local labour for the production process.

In the end, the girls decided to launch a Kickstarter campaign to debut their signature piece - not knowing how much interest their piece would garner.  They managed to triple their goal and raised $64,000. Due to the power of the internet and the kindness of strangers who believed in their eco-friendly sustainable idea, they finally had a business and could go into production with their line!

Shannon reflected on her experience and encourages other ladies to pursue their passion, “No matter what your path, if you know you want to change it or have doubts, don’t wait for the perfect time because there is no perfect time! If we had waited we wouldn’t be here right now talking to you guys and having these amazing experiences. Just do it and you will not regret it!”

Although production has brought on its own set of challenges, the girls maintain their sincere optimism, positive attitude and above all else, honesty. They are the first to admit that this has taken more time than they ever thought; testing customers’ faith in their idea along with their own. But by maintaining their optimism and faith in their cause, they know good things will come and customers will be happy with their very own Versalette.

{r}evolution apparel now boasts coverage from Forbes, the Wall Street Journal and Yahoo Business News.  We are certain that we have not heard the last from these inspiring ladies.

We also wanted to showcase a local eco-fashionista.  We were very lucky to have Malene Grotrian partake and share her versatile clothing line with us. Malene has committed to using fabrics that not normally considered by other designers.

With all fabric made in Vancouver, Malene is a proud supporter of local businesses and believes in forming strong relationships within her community. Before launching her own business, she had worked for others but her mother always encouraged her to follow her passion and work for herself. When asked about her most proudest moment as a designer, Malene described her first Vancouver Fashion Week where her clothing line received a standing ovation, something that had not happened anytime in the event’s 10-year history.

For many of us, our involvement with the fashion industry doesn’t go beyond our individual appreciation for clothing. However, somehow these ladies and their stories resonated with each one of us. Why do we think this is, exactly?

Well, I think it’s because we have all struggled, experienced set backs and have been looking (if we have not yet found) the right path to pursue our true passions. Kristin, Shannon, and Malene are warriors who have blazed the trail before us.  They have hit roadblocks, experienced days they did not want to get out of bed, and cannot pinpoint exactly which direction their futures are headed. BUT…..they are happy, flexible, and creating their own story... one with NO regrets. Can you say the same?



my {YWiB} story: Brittany

Getting to Know Brittany Wong

Brittany is a passionate and ambitious person who comes from a long line of entrepreneurs.  During our conversation I could not help but be enthralled by her focus, drive, and positive personality. As I got to know her more I was not surprised to find out she had started her own fashion magazine during her undergraduate degree at UBC and has been an instrumental player in forming the Lipstick Project a not-for-profit organization. Her dream is to make an impact in this world, so it doesn’t surprise me that her mantra is “be the change you wish to see.”


Involvement with Young Women in Business

Brittany’s exposure to Young Women in Business came through Jen Sung, whom she has been a good friend with since grade 3.  Being involved in her sorority, school, and other extracurriculars took up a lot of her time but she knew she wanted to contribute to the organization at some point. After starting Style Canvas, her fashion magazine an opportunity presented itself to meld her passion for fashion and help Young Women in Business. Brittany both produced a fashion show for Beyond Pink and spoke at the closing dinner.


Learning from Young Women in Business

Now working in the Event Production industry, Brittany mentioned how organizing the Fashion Show for Beyond Pink was her first big event and was her springboard into the events industry. After graduating with a business degree from Sauder she had been accepted to the Parsons School of Fashion in New York but decided to change paths because of her recent event experience with Young Women in Business. Taking part in Beyond Pink opened a new door in her career and she took a large leap forward and never looked back.


Three words to describe her experience with Young Women in Business

Inspiring, motivating and authentic.


Fun Young Women in Business Memory

Two weeks after Beyond Pink, Brittany was at a coffee shop on a first date and a person working there asked, “Are you Brittany Wong? I am so honoured to meet you, I remember you from the conference.” Brittany was very flattered to say the least and delighted to have been a role model and made a positive impression.


Growth Opportunities

Brittany wants to continue working on her leadership skills that she believes are never ending, an answer I loved. Also, Brittany does not ask questions, as she always likes to solve things on her own. She is working on asking for support and being aware that no question is dumb!


Brittany’s Advice to others

“Don’t be afraid of failure. Aside from being one of the best possible learning tools, it’s fantastic for character building.” - Brittany mentioned she is actually more scared of success at times.

“It’s ok to feel vulnerable – in my opinion; it’s actually one of the best states of mind to be in. Amazing, incredible and wonderful things are born out of vulnerability – so embrace and lean into those moments!”

“Time is limited and life is short. So practice gratitude, do what you love and have confidence that the dots in your life will connect you to your path to success.”

- After working with a wide spectrum of clients, brands and having produced a diverse range of events, Brittany sought to fill a gap in the industry and has recently started her own event design and production studio, BASH + FETE.


Hardest decision she has had to make

Brittany decided not to go to Fashion School two weeks before school started although she had an apartment and classes selected. She was really thankful that the dean was so kind and told her that her acceptance will always be standing. To this day, she does not look back and is happy with her decision.

join the {r}evolution on June 13th!

meet Kristin and Shannon- they are kind of awesome... they are travelers, adventurers, kitchen-table philosophers, and they believe that every purchase they make makes an impact on the world. They met traveling in Australia and continued on to Central America in 2010 with no set plans, but an idea- a fashionable, minimalist clothing line for female travelers. Since then, they successfully completed one of the highest-funded fashion campaigns in Kickstarter history and launched {r}evolution apparel! How did they do it? Watch this short video to see their exciting and revolutionary idea come to life:


YWiB loves (loves!!) to share the stories of success young female entrepreneurs and we were so hooked on what {r}evolution apparel stands for that when we heard they were going on a cross-country tour in America to spark conversations, we couldn't help ourselves so... we invited them to Vancouver!!

That's right- we're sooo excited to share that we will be hosting the {r} team in Vancouver in just a few weeks! We're having a bit of fun with the event and hosting a mini fashion show night with Vancouver's very own Malene Grotrian- a fashion woman extraordinaire, who integrates values of minimalism and sustainability into the creation of her clothing.

check out all the details for the event here - we can't wait to see you & spread the {r} story!

Calling all YWiB'ers: Beyond Pink 2012 volunteer opportunities!

The inaugural Beyond Pink conference was launched in 2008 and has remained a staple of YWiB’s event repertoire ever since. We are so excited to be bringing the conference back in the fall of 2012 and we are looking for some phenomenal young women to create and execute the vision of this amazing project! This year, we are expecting the event to take place in late October/early November, over the span of a Friday & Saturday. We truly believe in bringing a world-class business conference to the next generation and effectively equipping women who have the ability and energy to make a positive impact to all those around them. As such, our main goal at Beyond Pink 2012 will be to elevate the overall value of the conference to to become the leading personal and professional development event for young women in Vancouver.

While maintaining the values that have launched Beyond Pink to its current success, this year we are also bringing a slew of amazing, new initiatives to the table. Our primary focus will be on practical, relevant skill set training for two main delegate groups - young professionals at the outset of their careers and more seasoned experts looking to further evolve their professional aptitude and potential.

As the only conference of its kind for young women in Vancouver, we are committed to maximizing the potential of Beyond Pink 2012! We are seeking a team of individuals that have the ambition, savvy creativity and real dedication to make this amazing conference happen. BP is also an excellent learning opportunity to gain experience and exposure to the local community and to create meaningful connections in Vancouver. If you are bursting at the seams to inspire and equip the young women of this city, we want to hear from you! Please click here for all BP available positions and for a full description of the event.  Make haste, because applications are due this Sunday, June 3!

my {YWiB} story: jithmi

We're gearing up for Beyond Pink 2012, and we're doing a throwback interview with one of our co-chairs from 2009! Read on to learn more about Jithmi Lokuge - an interview by Darya Niknamian. I had the opportunity to sit down with Jithmi and I didn’t want our conversation to end. I learned a lot from her and have started a bucket list as a result. Take a moment to get to know Jithmi and her involvement with YWiB; it may inspire you to try something new.

Getting to Know Jithmi

Jithmi is the only person I have ever met who lived in Brunei and who has also met some really cool people including Queen Latifah, Steve Nash, and Wayne Gretzky. She completed her BComm at UBC and is currently working as a project manager in an all male company – you go girl! She has seen Michael Jackson live in concert, danced in the opening and closing ceremonies of the Vancouver Olympics, and has bungee jumped... twice, somersaulting in mid air the second time around!

Involvement with YWiB

Jithmi first heard about the organization from two of her friends, the founders of Young Women in Business. Knowing how great they are, she had no doubts about the success of the organization. Relating to the vision and values of YWiB and attending Beyond Pink 2008 drove Jithmi to get involved as the co-chair for Beyond Pink 2009. Looking back at her experience she told me that “YWIB is like an alma mater, they have done too much for me to walk away.”

Things Learned

Jithmi – “one of the biggest lessons I learned from the Beyond Pink conference was saying no.”

Working full time, volunteering and making time for friends and family will fill up your day! YWiB taught Jithmi how to control her ambitions, and it sometimes requires saying “no” in order to lead a balanced life. Another big takeaway  was having to work in groups and interacting with people of different personalities. We all work and communicate differently and volunteering as a co-chair at Beyond Pink exposed Jithmi to various scenarios.  This has helped her in her current role working with professionals in many different fields. She also mentioned that “patience, chocolate and bourbon” can help along the way!

People, People, People

Jithmi told me that “people who have a connection with YWiB have an ambitious personality.” She met many people volunteering as a co-chair and the relationships she created are ones that will probably last a lifetime. In fact, her best friend is actually someone she went to Beyond Pink with, an event and experience that helped drive them together.

What’s Next?

Jithmi is currently enrolled in a ballroom dancing class, which I am pretty sure she loves. She has many interests but would love to pursue culinary school and eventually open her own restaurant – a venue I am looking forward to dining at in the future.

What I learned from Jithmi

Make a bucket list with goals.  It can be as something simple as buying a pair of shoes or doing the Grouse Grind. Get involved with things you like and are passionate about and you will get more out of it. Take the time to seize opportunities, we are so busy in our lives, we don’t even realize an opportunity when it comes to us. Procrastination is okay. Peer pressure goes a long way, Jithmi may have not bungee jumped if the other 20 members of YWiB did not go with her!

My Favourite Question and Answer

What was the hardest decision you ever had to make and how did it turn out?

Jithmi – I was asked this question recently and I don’t think I’ve had to make it yet. I’ve had struggles but don’t we all! There are people who have gone through harder things and don’t have as much and have made a bigger difference.


YWiB Congratulates the Nominees of the 2012 YWCA Women of Distinction Awards! On Thursday, May 24th we’ll be celebrating alongside the incredible women who have been nominated for this year’s YWCA Women of Distinction Awards! Yup, YWiB will be in the crowd - supporting, clapping and ‘cheers’-ing with the women who will be recognized for their contributions to the community.

Some of the nominees are familiar faces to the YWiB crowd as they’ve been YWiB supporters in the past! Past Beyond Pink speaker Patricia Graham has been nominated in the Business and the Professionals category, and Beyond Pink panelist, and recent speaker Andrea Scott has been nominated in the Entrepreneurship category.

And of course, many of our supporters have been nominated in the past - including Judy Brooks (YWiB Advisory Board), Michelle Pockey (YWiB Advisory Board) and Tamara Vrooman (speaker).

But we’re most familiar with the YWCA gala from 2010 when our very own Paulina Lipska, YWiB President was nominated in the Young Woman category!

We’ll be at the Westin Bayshore this Thursday sipping bubbly, bidding in the silent auction and mixing and mingling with some incredible women. Come say "hi" Thursday night - can’t wait to see you there.

- marica

More people fear public speaking over dying, really?

Did you know that people are more terrified of public speaking than they are of dying? We learned this last Saturday when YWiB was lucky enough to host get vocalized!, a seminar put on by Pamela Hart, founder of Release Your Voice. Pamela is one of those individuals who exudes charisma, confidence, professionalism and class, and we were thrilled to introduce her to the YWiB community.

Pamela specializes in public speaking and presenting with confidence, and has an unparalleled ability to inspire and empower anyone looking to increase the effectiveness of their communications. Over delicious pastries, a splash of coffee and a lot of laughter, we all learned tips and tricks to improve our confidence and effectiveness when speaking in front of a large group. Pamela also taught us verbal and non-verbal techniques to improve our success in one-on-one conversations in both our personal and professional lives.

One of the biggest takeaways? That public speaking is a skill that even the best have to practice, and one we can all learn. The nervousness? It will subside with time, but when harnessed in the appropriate ways, a little nervousness can make you an even more compelling speaker. Above all, we learned that confidence goes a long way. If you’re reading this blog, it’s likely you are a driven young woman who is passionate about creating positive change in both your community and your professional life. Basically, that means you’re kicking a** and taking names while carving your own path on this journey called life. What’s not to be confident about?

Much love to all of the attendees and of course, Pamela Hart herself. Until next time!

xoxo Liz