YWiB TO Holiday Contest is ON now!
/Hey, check it out…
YWiB’s Toronto’s
Holiday Contest
Is on Now!
Yep, you heard right. Grab your gal pals, and start planning your weekend getaway because now you’ll have the one thing you were missing: a super stylish carry-on luggage!
Whether you and your girlfriends want to hit the slopes in Whistler, check out Montreal for a fun-filled weekend, or take off to sunnier weather to escape the Winter blues, we got your luggage needs covered. Enter our Holiday Contest and stand a chance to win your very own cool carry-on luggage!
All you need to do to enter is to follow these simple steps:
Subscribe to the YWiB TO newsletter
Like the Holiday Contest post on Instagram
Tag a friend and leave a comment on the Instagram Holiday Post about where you would like to travel this holiday season and why
Answer all the questions on InstaStories through this week
That’s it! Easy Peasy!
Pack all the essentials in your new carry on suitcase! (photography for illustration purposes only; contents not included)
So, don’t delay - hurry up and participate, and spread the word among your girlfriends!
Contest ends at midnight on December 8th. For Terms & Conditions, check out our Facebook notes or go through the link in our Instagram Profile Bio.